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Learning Neurology is about to get electrifying

One subscription, complete access to Sketchy Neurology and the entire Sketchy Medical learning library.
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“Sketchy has made my education a million times better. In my final year now, I am confident about medicine. Floors, theory exams, impressing attendings and colleagues, Sketchy ALWAYS WORKS. I swear by Sketchy.”

-Rachana P.

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Explore the Neurology Curriculum

Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, communicating hydrocephalus, mesial temporal sclerosis…learning Neurology can be a bit of a headache. But have no fear because Sketchy Neuro is here!

The tough stuff, made simple

Sketchy’s Neurology course breaks down even the most difficult topics into short and easy to understand lessons.
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Lessons you’ll remember

Sketchy uses creative storytelling and visual mnemonics to help you learn and retain everything you need to know about Neurology for your rotations.

Learning tools you’ll love

Enjoy features such as the symbol explorer, lesson quizzes, and test mode to help make Neurology unforgettable.

Get started, completely free for 7 days!

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