Intro to Obstetrics

Obstetrics & Gynecology


OB: Prenatal Care & Early Pregnancy


Intro to OB

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Intro to Obstetrics

Pharmacology / Cardio & Renal / Heart Failure Drugs

The production of 𝝱-hCG by the placenta maintains the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone during early pregnancy. A pregnancy test measures 𝝱-hCG levels in urine or blood, with blood tests providing a quantitative measure. In a normal pregnancy, 𝝱-hCG levels double every 48 hours until around 10 weeks. A transvaginal ultrasound can detect a gestational sac at 5 weeks and fetal heart rate at 6 weeks. Naegele's rule is used to calculate the estimated due date (EDD) from the last menstrual period (LMP), with a term pregnancy lasting 40 weeks.

Gravidity refers to the number of times a person has been pregnant, while parity provides information about the outcomes of those pregnancies, including term births, preterm births, abortions, and living children. Pregnancy is divided into trimesters: 1st (0-14 weeks), 2nd (14-28 weeks), and 3rd (28 weeks or more). The APGAR score evaluates a newborn's well-being based on color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, and respiration, with a perfect score of 10 points. This assessment is performed at both 1 and 5 minutes after birth.

  1. Beta-glasses teacher + yellow flower - placenta → -hCG → corpus luteum → progesterone
  2. Beta-glasses teacher + tests with blood and pee - pregnancy test measures urine or blood 𝝱-hCG (urine is qualitative, blood is quantitative)
  3. 10 + normal curve + 2/48 + bloody test - quantitative pregnancy test = if normal, 𝝱-hCG should double every 48h until ~10wks pregnant
  4. TVUS + channel 5 sac - transvaginal ultrasound detects gestational sac at 5wk and fetal HR at 6wk
  5. TVUS + 6 o’clock heart clock - transvaginal ultrasound detects gestational sac at 5wk and fetal HR at 6wk
  6. Last period → regular schedule - can use LMP to date a pregnancy if their period is regular, every 28 days, and they remember it
  7. “EDD Naegele” - use Naegele’s rule to calc EDD = -3 months, +7 days, +1 year from LMP
    “-3/+7/+1” - use Naegele’s rule to calc EDD = -3 months/+7 days/+1 year from LMP
  8. “40meWorK due” - estimated due date = 40wks
  9. Crown + shaking rump + 1st trimester window - To get an EDD by ultrasound, measure the crown-rump length in the first trimester
  10. Fundus hat + belly button + 20 - When fundal height reaches the umbilicus, fetal age is ~20 weeks (rough estimate if more accurate dating methods are not available)
  11. Pregnant snake on gravel - gravidity = # of times pregnant
  12. PARAkeet - parity = info about outcome of pregnancies (Term/Preterm/Abortion/Living)
  13. Teacher’s PAL - parity = info about outcome of pregnancies (Term/Preterm/Abortion/Living)
  14. 37wk hatching egg - T in TPAL → term = born at 37+ wks gestational age
  15. 20+ wk hatching egg - P in TPAL → pre-term = born b/w 20wk and 36wk6d gestational age
  16. Unhatched egg - A in TPAL → abortion = pregnancy loss <20wks gestational age (regardless of cause)
  17. Living baby bird - L in TPAL → living = # of living children at time of interview
  18. 37wk section - term pregnancy ≥37w0d → impt. fetal development = enough surfactant for fetal lungs
  19. Underdeveloped plant above purple 24wk section - previable pregnancy ≤ 24w0d → fetus not developed enough for extra-uterine survival
  20. Underdeveloped but surviving plant above red books b/w 24wks and 37wks - pre-term pregnancy = 24w0d-36w6d, fetus underdeveloped but survival possible w/ medical interventions
  21. Thriving plant above 37wk section - term pregnancy ≥37w0d → impt. fetal development = enough surfactant for fetal lungs
  22. Old plant above brown books after 42wks - post-term pregnancy ≥42wks, increased risk of intra-uterine fetal demise
  23. White bookmark in red pre-term section - late pre-term = 34w0d-36w6d
  24. Orange bookmark in green term section - term pregnancy subdivisions: early term = 37w0d-38w6d, full term = 39w0d-40w6d, late term = 41w0d-41w6d
  25. Yellow bookmark in green term section - term pregnancy subdivisions: early term = 37w0d-38w6d, full term = 39w0d-40w6d, late term = 41w0d-41w6d
  26. Blue bookmark in green term section - early term = 37w0d-38w6d, full term = 39w0d-40w6d, late term = 41w0d-41w6d
  27. Number line w/ bold 14 and 28 - pregnancy trimesters: 1st = 0-14wks, 2nd = 14-28wks, 3rd ≥ 28wks
  28. Number line w/ bold 14 and 28 - pregnancy trimesters: 1st = 0-14wks, 2nd = 14-28wks, 3rd ≥ 28wks
  29. Number line w/ bold 14 and 28 - pregnancy trimesters: 1st = 0-14wks, 2nd = 14-28wks, 3rd ≥ 28wks
  30. APP Game - APGAR score = color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, respiration (each 2pts, perfect 10pts), scored at 1min and 5 min
  31. Rosy cheeks - APGAR score = color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, respiration (each 2pts, perfect 10pts), scored at 1min and 5 min
  32. Heart rate monitor - APGAR score = color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, respiration (each 2pts, perfect 10pts), scored at 1min and 5 min
  33. Tapping screen - APGAR score = color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, respiration (each 2pts, perfect 10pts), scored at 1min and 5 min
  34. Flexed muscles - APGAR score = color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, respiration (each 2pts, perfect 10pts), scored at 1min and 5 min
  35. Screaming lines - APGAR score = color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, respiration (each 2pts, perfect 10pts), scored at 1min and 5 min
  36. Score 0-10 - APGAR score = color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, respiration (each 2pts, perfect 10pts), scored at 1min and 5 min

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